Introducing our Food Pantry building campaign

For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink (Matthew 25:35)

It is certainly an answer to a prayer and with great joy that we announce that the Diocese has given us the approval to move forward with building a new Christ the King Food Pantry.  You will remember that in 2021, Theresa A. Downing left the parish $1 million towards the food pantry. With that donation, the food pantry and parish leadership began to envision how this could impact the future of our ministry.

Having decided to construct a new building, our hope is to begin construction sometime this Spring or in early Summer. Over the next month, we will be launching a fundraising campaign that will allow us to complete our vision of the Christ the King Food Pantry to be housed in the Theresa A. Downing Memorial Building.

There is a great need for this food pantry in our community. Since its humble beginnings over 40 years ago by Fr. Frederick “Rick” Pennett Jr., to date this year, we have grown to serve over 60 families per week with 170 individuals.  While the need has increased, the building has remained the same. It is now time to create a space that can help more people be less hungry by providing them a dignified way to obtain needed food.

As you know the current building is behind the parish activity center. It is a small, poorly ventilated house. Limited basement storage requires volunteers to bring stock up and down the stairs – there is no room for needed additional freezer and refrigerator storage. The area for serving clients is too small as only one family can be served at a time.  This requires that others wait outside, both in good and bad weather.

The proposed new building would be like a small grocery store with enough room to allow multiple families to be served in a dignified manner. With the help of volunteers, clients would select what they need. Currently, we fill boxes but many times, individuals / families return items because they cannot be used for their needs.

In the new food pantry, there will be room for more food storage – both commercial refrigerator and freezer space. The building will have a couple of small rooms so private conversations with clients can be had as many of our volunteers spend time gathering information and listening to their stories.

We currently have a $1 million donation from the bequest of Theresa A. Downing and over the years, the food pantry has been able to save $400,000.  In the fall of 2022, we were approved for a $750,000 Community Development Block Grant but due to federal government requirements, the Diocese has decided not to accept the funds. However, the Diocese has contributed $250,000 towards the project. Due to rising costs and other factors, we will need to raise $750,000 – an amount we believe is achievable.

We will be seeking support from the greater Concord community and foundations, In addition, within the parish, beginning in February, we will request your financial support; regardless of the amount contributed, we would love to have 100% participation.

This is an exciting project and we are looking forward to its success. You can find more information on our progress on the food pantry’s new website:

Let us continue to pray for the guidance of the Holy Spirit as we develop and make a reality, the dream of a new food pantry to serve the needs of the hungry.

Yours in Christ,

Fr. Rich


Architectural renderings completed